Credit Society of the City of Piotrków
5% conversion mortgage bond letter of PLN 100, issued July 1, 1925
These letters were issued to convert TKM Piotrkow's pledge letters in ruble and mark currency (issued in 1897-1923).
Recommended, the 1925 issue is inconspicuous but definitely rarer than the 8% TKM Piotrkow pledge letters of 1927.
An additional advantage of this piece is the presence of a full coupon sheet of the second change for the period 1.07.1942 to 1.01.1947 (the original coupon sheet on the right side of the pledge letter contained coupons for the period 1.07.1925 to 1.01.1932; the coupon sheet of the first change contained 20 pieces of coupons for the period 1.07.1932 to 1.01.1942).